Tuesday 14 February 2012


Are you looking for fitness or studio gym equipment that takes up very little space, can work with many of the fitness tools you probably already use such as TRX suspension systems, BOSU, smart toner resistance bands, stability balls, weighted vests etc?

Does that sound like you?

How about if that equipment was very simple and fast in functionality, easy fast adjustments and adapted itself to the fitness levels for yourself or your clients...

Would that sound like something you would be interested in?

What if you could do literally every bodyweight based exercise, full body stretching programs, and circuit style type training because it was so fast to adjust for different exercises and training challenge.  

Does that sound like an ideal all in one gym system to you? A REAL "total gym"?

And what if the DESIGN was inspiring.  A well thought out, beautiful features and design that you could feel and see the quality from the first moment.  Would that sound like a perfect home gym system for you?

Well you might like to take a look at the all in one multi-use exercise equipment offered by SoloStrength Lifestyle Products.  All of the three models of Home and Professional studio in the SpeedFit line, are commercial grade quality.  They have different suggested models of their adjustable chin and bodyweight exercise bar depending on your environment, ceiling height, as well as models to appeal to every budget or space limitations you may have. 

I like that this company includes full instructional training videos for free, with their systems and they range from very safe entry level exercises to work on range of motion and mobility, to barbarian style workouts that I'm not sure I could conquer, but I will try soon when I get my own system to play with.  

One of the things I love the best about what they offer is convenience, speed both with bar adjustments and programs, and a sustainable type of exercise approach that no doubt will be an awesome boost to your fitness and supporting a more active, enjoyable lifestyle.  

Join my blog for the product testing review posts coming soon!
in the meantime, you can visit their fitness equipment website for more information. 
Watch their promo video below:

Thursday 9 February 2012

Stretching exercises and flexibility programs you can do at home with a pull up bar

Do you feel tight, sore muscles throughout the day?   Maybe it's from sitting or inactivity, or maybe it's from the exercise you are doing.  Whichever the case, stretching during the day can greatly improve your comfort and release tensions in your muscles, and help to relax you to improve your performance during the day.

It's wonderful if you have the time and knowledge to go through some yoga stretching, but if time is tight, you may want to get to the biggest benefit stretches as quickly as possible and focus your limited time there.

If you are fortunate enough to have a pull up or chin bar in your environment, then you have a great tool to naturally release your body's tension and help strengthen and lean your body.   If your pull up bar is a fixed pull up bar, then there are a lot of flexibility exercises you can learn to stretch effectively and efficiently.  Even better, if you have an adjustable pull up bar like this home gym equipment, you have the ultimate stretching tool to really leverage your body on and enjoy maximum stretching opportunities.

I've found a lot of stretching and flexibility programs online that demonstrate different stretching exercises you can do with adjustable bars, and of course ballet bars as a support point.   In this case your body is the equipment and machine if you will, and a much more simple and natural approach to exercise and natural health and wellness.  Learn more on our post tomorrow!

SoloStrength SpeedFit Home and Studio Gym Equipment Machines

Wednesday 8 February 2012

The BEST back exercises doing pull ups for beginners (instructional)

According to the statistics I've been reading, the amount of people who suffer from daily or reoccurring back pain, lower back strains or posture related issues, is absolutely STAGGERING.

It isn't hard to imagine given the sedentary living so many people chose for themselves, but the injuries often occur when we are attempting to do something, or be active.  Whether we are in the work place or trying to enjoy life activities.

So while the medical industry and care giving specialists are kept busy in rehab and physio to try and get these people back up to speed, I want to focus on how we can AVOID getting there in the first place.

I call this a state of READINESS.  Being in the type of physical fitness condition that allows you to most likely avoid these really necessary and debilitating back injuries and discomfort.  Think of the millions of hours of wasted time and fun that is lost by people and back pain.  It's just sad.

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. Do you do regular exercise?
  2. Does that exercise involve stretching and strengthening your back?
  3. Did you know that both stretching and strength training are equally important?
You may have heard how incredible pull up exercises are for your overall upper body development but especially addressing the points above.  

If you can't achieve 5 or more full body pullups, then you may need to learn by doing assisted pullups.   The best way to do that is with an adjustable bodyweight exercise bar as offered by this company SoloStrength.  They have exercise programs for beginners and very advanced bodyweight only resistance training and it's an awesome home gym or professional training studio gym equipment options.  

Let me know what you think of these options and look forward to my reviews in coming posts...

Have a great day and be "back strong"!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

New Adjustable Anchor for TRX bodyweight exercise trainer pull up bar

I have just experienced the most amazing fusion of exercise equipment and training I've had to date.  I have been talking about the SoloStrength adjustable pull up bar home gym system now for awhile, but have just had the opportunity to try it combining some different exercise tools.

On the system today we used smart toner resistance bands by Twist Conditioning,  BOSU, some stability balls and weighted vests for combination exercise programs.   IN a word, it was AWESOME!

Whether our beginners were playing around on it or we were doing really advanced bodyweight training exercises, this combination of tools absolutely left nothing to want....pull ups, self spotted pull ups, wide grip pull ups, abdominal exercises for pull up bars, reverse crunches for abs, back rows, biceps exercise, triceps work, calf raises, combination compound exercises, and all the TRX exercises we could thing of!  What an awesome tool!

What I am most excited about is that this company is offering a door frame mounted version that only requires 5" of space!  That's the most potent and versatile home exercise system I've ever seen in my life, and the least amount of space required.  I put on a video below I found that shows a lot of the exercises but this company also has their home exercise workouts videos to look at and seem more current.

Let me know what you think!  I can't wait to get back on this system!

Have an awesome day!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Fusion Exercises with TRX, BOSU, Adjustable Pull Up Bars, and exercise bands

When you are looking for new exercises that you can do  with TRX, BOSU, or pull up bars...there is a lot of new FUSION programs that put together one or more of these exercise tools to combine benefits and sometimes add new forms of exercise that are just awesome additions to your regular exercise program.

TRX is a cool bodyweight exercise equipment piece that allows you to use your own bodyweight to exercise.  It is portable and quite versatile, and you can do a load of cool exercises on it.  The only restriction is that you really have to be careful to do the exercise movements correctly.  Many people will not have the strength and ability to use this tool properly for full body programs.

Likewise, resistance bands, BOSU and exercise balls are awesome accessories but limited to all the exercises that you can do with them.

A pull up bar can be used for anchoring the bands or TRX and this can be fused with the other accessories for far more challenging exercises to continue your challenge.

I've even found a really cool Adjustable pull up bar, that some in either a free standing pull up bar model or a full gym in a door frame mounted pull up bar model.  With this system you can use the bar for an anchor in the typical high mounted position, but also mid and lower levels which adds an entire battalion of extra exercises that you can then add to the resistance bands or incorporating the BOSU and balls.  Unlike fixed pull up bars, where you can only really do full bodyweight chins or wide grip pull ups, the adjustable bar home and studio gym can do literally all of the full body exercises for functional training that you would otherwise need a room full of other home or studio gym exercise machines to workout on.

I am really happy to see this FUSION exercise mentality utilizing quality exercise machines and accessories  that require very little space for full body exercise machines, and allowing you to fully customize your resistance and exercises quickly to personalize your training programs.

I found a really great demonstration video of FUSION exercises combining TRX, resistance bands, TWIST conditioning products and BOSU below:

Functional training programs are taking a new direction, recognizing the benefits of combining quality pieces and really personalizing the experience so your functional training programs are most appropriate to your needs and support your best fitness success!