Tuesday 17 January 2012


Last post I wrote about why pull up exercises are important for fitness, and the equipment that is available today to help people learn how to build progressive strength do a full body pull up and include it in part of their regular exercise workouts.  Today's post will cover how to use a pull up bar for doing a variety of abdominal exercises, and bring out the abs we all like to see on ourselves as a sign of strength, fitness and power.

The classic abs exercise with a pull up bar involves holding the bar and hanging our legs straight down or knees bent.   In a slow and controlled movement, tighten the core muscles, and slowly raise the legs up, into a vertical crunch position.   I'd suggest starting with knees bent, and tucking the bent knees to the chest.  Displayed below is a straight leg lift, with full range taking the legs to the bar above.  For some of you ,this will be something to work towards, both for strength, and flexibility.

One of the way that we can demonstrate the total body exercise value of a pull up bar, is showing one of the main questions people have in their fitness quest...how to get abs using a pull up bar for exercise?  I found an article on ehow that demonstrates some of the basic, and some advanced exercises that use a fixed pull up bar.

Again I will mention that I like to address the progressive aspects of fitness.  Not just showing how someone who is already fit and strong, but for those of you that might be out of shape, not feeling strong, or lack the conditioning to accomplish these exercises.  Have faith that  we all can build up the strength to achieve our 10 pull up full bodyweight goals, and the way to get there, is with a progressive approach, starting where we can, and gently building up our strength and challenge until we reach our goals.

Looking above, some of us will struggle to even have the strength to be able to hold ourselves onto the bar without letting go, let along lifting our legs up.  So where can we start?

Again I'll reference one of my favourite pieces of equipment the solostrength speedfit systems.  These adjustable bodyweight chin up bars, are actually great for all essential exercise movements, but let me focus for now on how they can be used for progressive bodyweight exercise to build up your strength from where you are now, to the point of being able to accomplish these very effective abs exercises you see demonstrated above.

First, whether you are using a solostrength system as I'd recommend (safety, stable, speed, versatility it's really ideal for home or professional studio gyms and they offer a door frame mounted  pull up bar model now too), you can find Smith press machines or squat racks in commercial gyms that you can set a bar height that will work for your for these exercises also, and begin progressive movements to build up your chin up strength.

To build up your pull up strength to start, do self spotted pull ups, using your legs to spot your movements as you pull your body up.  Close grip, wide grip, practise and play with all types for strengthening and toning your entire back, arms, shoulders and abs.   As your pull up strength improves, you can progress by increasing the bar height.  I haven't found any photos of reverse leg lifts you can do on your back , but found a video here that demonstrates, it, along with the progressive movements for pull ups as well.

Let me know how you are doing , and good luck on your way to total body fitness and mastering your pull up goals!

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